Parking options
If you want to park a vehicle at the residences, you have two options:
1 Noovo Sain-Roch parking
You can take a monthly pass in Le Nouvo covered parking lot (formerly ODÉON). It is managed by Indigo. The cost is $ 151 / month. To suscribe, contact INDIGO directly at .
* Your visitors can park their vehicle using their debit or credit card.
2 The parking sticker of the City costs $ 150 taxes included.
It can not be refunded or transferred to another person, including a family member
To obtain a parking sticker, simply request it at the La Cité-Limoilou borough office.
Bureau d’arrondissement de La Cité-Limoilou
500, rue du Pont, 4e étage
Québec (Québec) G1K 6N4
For more information, click here.